Thursday, June 16, 2011

Westover Follow-up

Westover stayed a farmland until the 1890s, where the first electric railways were built. This then started up more expansion and the population began to grow. As more people came, the Walter Reed Elementary School was built in 1938, which is actually where I went to preschool, only a lot of years later. In the same year, Arlington County was approved of 120 more acres of land to build more multi-family apartments, which transitioned Westover from farmland to more commercial. Now, Westover still has the same family-owned businesses but the main change that the county made recently is that they tore down the old library and part of the Walter Reed Elementary School-but kept the exterior of it to preserve the history-and combined it with the library. Other than that, Westover has still managed to preserve its original history.

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